The key to good tone quality on the trumpet is a good embouchure and good air flow control. Sound is vibration, so the quality of sound depends on the quality of the vibration. A piano has strings that vibrate, and clarinets have reeds that vibrate. Trumpet players use the vibration of their lips to produce sound.… Continue reading Improving tone quality on trumpet
Trumpet versus music practice
There is a difference between practicing the trumpet and practicing music. Practicing music is learning how to express emotion in sound with different pitches. Practicing the trumpet is learning how to play music on that instrument. Learning how to play the trumpet involves: Tone quality (combines embouchure and air flow techniques) Embouchure (jaw setting, mouth, tongue… Continue reading Trumpet versus music practice
Tongue arch for pitch change
Changing pitch with tongue only In lesson five of the “I want to trumpet” book, tongue action was described for changing pitch. You can try this by whistling or blowing air through your lips while raising and lowering your tongue. Begin with your lips relaxed, then blow air through them. This is your starting pitch.… Continue reading Tongue arch for pitch change
The glottis problem
Working too hard for too little sound and pitch? You are suffering from a glottis problem referred to as the Valsalva Maneuver. Here is how to overcome the glottis reflex and play with an open airway.
Recording as you play
Recording your exercises as you practice will improve your sound and give you three big benefits.
Tips on practicing the trumpet
You will play the way you practice, so knowing how to practice well is essential to playing well.
Harold Mitchell’s Trumpet Method
My personal experience and benefit from using Harold Mitchell’s trumpet books is why I highly recommend ‘Mitchell on Trumpet’.
Higher notes, air, and lips
Have you ever noticed that sometimes sound from your trumpet stops when you try to play a higher pitch? This article explains why this happens and what you can do about it. Sound is vibration of air molecules, and playing the trumpet involves vibrating air with your lips and air stream. The pitch of sound… Continue reading Higher notes, air, and lips
Hearing test
Major scales
C major scale: C D E F G A B. Seven notes makes it a heptonic scale. There are other heptonic scales that are not major scales. The pitch steps in a major scale from the tonic is whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, then half step. (whole whole half,… Continue reading Major scales